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VIDEO 1: The Surprising Truth About Affiliate Marketing

So you wanna be an affiliate…

Looks easy enough, right? Seems like all you have to do is pick a product to promote, find an eager group of buyers, slap up a banner ad… and you’re in business.

Um, no.

VIDEO 2: How to Uncover the Hottest Markets Around

Some affiliates look for products first, and then they look for people to sell these products too. That’s backwards. What you want to do is find an eager, cash-paying audience FIRST, and then simply offer whatever it is they’re already buying.

It’s a much easier way to become a successful affiliate.

VIDEO 3: How to Find a Golden Needle in a Big Pile of Hay

Once you’ve found a profitable market, then you need to find out what these folks are already buying.

You see, this isn’t a time for you to reinvent the wheel. Don’t go looking for some obscure solution and then cross your fingers that your market will like it. 

VIDEO 4: Hooking the Hungry Fish With Juicy Bait

You’re making the steps towards becoming an affiliate. At this point you’ve chosen a niche and picked out several products to promote to this hungry niche.

So what’s next?

VIDEO 5: The Nuts and Bolts of Assembling Your Lead Magnet Page

One of the steps on the path to you becoming a successful affiliate is to build a mailing list, which means you need to create a good lead-magnet product as bait, and then advertise this enticing freebie on your lead-magnet page.

VIDEO 6: What Top Affiliates Do Differently With Their Blogs

Most affiliates set up a blog to advertise some of their wares. However, there are a few little tricks that separate the top affiliates from everyone else – and you’re going to learn more about these tricks in this video.

VIDEO 7: How the Super Affiliates Make More Sales Than Everyone Else

Ever notice how the super affiliates make it look so easy to win all the affiliate contests, pull down huge sales numbers and pocket big commission checks?

And have you ever wished you could do the same thing?

Well you’re in luck, because in this video I’ll share with you some of the tips and tricks the super affiliates use that separate them from the average affiliate who’s just scraping by. 

VIDEO 8: The Secrets of the Ugly Guys Who Date Super Models

Have you ever seen an ugly guy with a beautiful woman? It always makes you wonder how that happened. 

You know what the secret is?

VIDEO 9: An Astonishing Way to Get Vendors to Send Traffic to You

Let me ask you a question…

Would you rather have one entry into a sweepstakes, or one thousand entries into a sweepstakes?

VIDEO 10: How to Get More Eyeballs in Front of Your Affiliate Offers

Once you get all the pieces of your affiliate business in place, then you need to send traffic to a lead magnet page so you can start building a list.

A lot of people want you to think getting traffic is some hoo-doo voo-doo magic. It’s not.


VIDEO 1: Inside the Mind of a Super Affiliate

If you ask average affiliates what separates the super affiliates from everyone else, they’ll tell you things like “big lists” or “good connections” or “lots of traffic.”  You might have a few wiseacres doing a good impression of Captain Obvious by saying, “big commission checks” separate the average affiliates from the super affiliates.

VIDEO 2: The Surprising Truth About What Really Works

Many affiliates, especially those who’re new to the game, are looking for that “magic bullet” that will give them an edge, crush the competition, and help them close more sales.

Okay, let’s cut to the chase –

VIDEO 3: Recruiting Vendors to Slide Money Into Your Pocket

When you think of the typical affiliate-vendor relationship, you think of vendors paying the affiliates to share their assets. You drive the traffic, you pre-sell the audience, you create an extra incentive like a bonus, then you pocket a commission when people buy through your link. The vendor provides the product, the sales letter, fulfillment and customer service.

VIDEO 4: Negotiating to Get Super Affiliate Perks

Let me share with you a little secret…You don’t need to be the top affiliate in your niche in order to start getting some pretty sweet perks. You just need to....

VIDEO 5: The Secret for Overcoming Bad Sales Pages

As an affiliate, you get to control many of the factors which affect your business.

You get to control what you sell. You get to control how you sell it. You get to control where you get your traffic.

But there’s one thing you can’t control....

VIDEO 6: How to Put the Magnet in Your Lead Magnet

Do you remember playing with magnets when you were a kid? 

VIDEO 7: Give Your Prospects More Bang for Their Buck

It would be cool if all of your prospects declared their undying love for you and only you. But the truth is, your prospects aren’t all that into the idea of marketing monogamy. They find it rather boring, much the way a skydiving thrill seeker finds the Merry-Go-Round a bit on the dull side.

VIDEO 8: Affiliate Marketing Like a Boss

There are a lot of pieces you need to snap into place in order to create a successful affiliate business. 

You need to do things like create an irresistible lead magnet and landing page...

VIDEO 9: The Real Secret of Big Commission Checks

If you’ve studied affiliate marketing for any amount of time, then you’ve probably notice that most courses focus on teaching you how to pick a hungry niche.....

VIDEO 10: Squeezing Every Last Drop of Value Out of Your Assets

I don’t know about your family, but my mom taught me not to waste anything. 

We always had to flatten the toothpaste tube and squeeze every last glob of gel out of it before we could throw it....

VIDEO 11:  The Secrets of Movin’ on Up

I have the theme song from that old TV show “The Jefferson’s” in my head right now.  It’s called “Movin’ on UP.” 

Have you ever heard that song?

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You’re about to discover how to set up and run a profitable affiliate business. All you have to do to get started is watch the training videos. The training videos will show you a lot of the technical and marketing pieces you need to snap into place to become a Super affiliate!

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